The Quiet Detector.
Tonight Anna had a board meeting and needed to work late. After dinner, I surveyed our living room which looked like a Toys R Us had vomited all over; and, being the super-human husband that I am, I decided that it would great if I cleaned the living room and kitchen. Things went pretty well with the living room, since Sophie only pulled out about 75% percent of everything that I just put away. I like to think of cleaning the house as a war of attrition and I only have to outlast Sophie for another 15 years.
So I started on the kitchen. It was at this point that Sophie informed me that she was going to make a bed for Tiger Lily in the Parlor. I thought "Great! Anything to keep her out of my hair while I clean."
This is where a Quiet Detector would have come in very handy. You see, I managed to clean the kitchen, make my self a drink and then turn on the BBC Nightly News, and I still hadn't heard a peep from my daughter.
Obviously, I was suspicious and went to investigate. Sophie had in fact made a bed for Tiger Lily on the coffee table but at some point decided that the cat wasn't feeling well. So being the caring 3 year old that she is, she went and got the Desitin butt cream and applied
I have since cleaned the butt cream from the carpet, couch, pillow, blankets and everywhere else that I could think of (not to mention the poor animals' fur).
The moral of the story is, while peace and quiet is what many of us dream of, the consequences of such quiet usually spells trouble.
Hence why our household needs a Quiet Detector.
Okay! I so enjoyed reading this with my morning coffee! HILARIOUS!
awww! she's gonna be a vet!@
If I would have had a quiet detector it would have captured Lauryn (at age 3...hmmmm) cutting her hair, cutting her doll's hair, and cutting a stuffed animal's little poof of hair. A week later (and after an emergency trip to the hair salon) I was still finding little clumps of cut hair/fur all around the house. How oblivious was I?!
Excellent photo evidence. Will come in handy at her wedding.
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