Monday, March 9, 2009

The White Man's Burden.

Here in Kentucky the weather is finally starting to turn warm for stretches longer than 8.6 seconds and with it comes my annual lamenting of the fact that society has failed men. Sunshine, warm temperatures and birds singing are nice but this move away from winter always disrupts my life. The kids love playing in the park and my wife enjoys opening all of the windows. You see people on the street smiling but in the back of my mind I am stressing over what the hell I am going to do with all of my crap.

I am something of a packrat and winter plays very well with this quirk. My winter coat (which incidentally by calling it a “winter coat” would bring howls of laughter from our northern friends) is blessed with 6 very large and deep pockets. These pockets are filled with various bits and allows me to become a walking Home Depot.

So what am I to do? Seinfeld, if it has taught us nothing, has taught us that no matter how hard you believe, a European Carry-All will never be anything but a purse. I am comfortable enough in my manhood to wear pink shirts to work, but I draw the line at walking around with a purse. Over the years I have thought of a few alternatives but each has their own drawbacks.

  1. The Fishing Vest. At first glance this appears to be the perfect substitute for my winter coat. Even more pockets, light weight and comfortable. For weekends this would be a perfect solution. The problem arises during the work week. I wear a dress shirt and tie everyday to work and in my mind’s eye the fishing vest just doesn’t go with dress clothes. In fact it strikes me as something the Unabomber would wear. Nothing screams unhinged like dress clothes and a ratty fishing vest loaded with shit.

  2. A briefcase. During the workweek a briefcase would be an adequate solution even though I would hate carrying the thing. However, all of my non-work clothes were purchased circa 1994 and have a distinctly out of date grunge look. I think I would rather walk around with a purse than look like a wanker wearing worn out jeans, t-shirt, flannel shirt and briefcase. This is the kind of person that would be beaten in the street by Pixie fans.

  3. A Backpack. A backpack has all of the advantages of a briefcase plus the benefit of not having to carry it. I hate the idea of lugging the thing around but it would work. The biggest disadvantage of the backpack is my vanity. I am 31 years old and having a backpack slung over your shoulder strikes me as something for much younger people. Not sure why, but to me using a backpack for everyday use just seems like something you should leave behind in your twenties.

  4. A Sherpa. Hiring a Sherpa to lug all of my crap would work, but my car is pretty small as it is and I don’t really have room for another person. That and a white guy hiring an ethnic minority as a personal servant to follow them around everywhere doesn’t seem like such a good idea.

  5. A Pack Mule. Again, this would work but I think my office would not appreciate a mule defecating on the floor in my office.
Society has failed men by not providing us with a social appropriate storage device. A Bag of Holding (or for you non-D&Ders, a bag with an Undetectable Extension Charm like Hermione’s) would work but despite my silent prayers each night, magic doesn’t seem to actually exist.


  1. I hate purses (I should say that quietly before my membership to the sisterhood is revoked). If it doesn't fit in my laptop bag or my pocket, it doesn't go with me. I am also a packrat, so I feel your pain. I have a few suggestions:

    Glove compartment: The only time I need my sunglasses is while driving, and my work badge only when on site. All other times of the day, they live in my glove compartment and I don't worry about losing them in the house.

    Laptop bag: Don't know if you have a laptop for work, but the bag is very handy for stashing notebooks, papers, CDs, iPod, cell phone charger, extra pens, etc. I have the rolling kind--the only portability problem I find is the inability to smoke, drink coffee, and pull my bag at the same time.

    Messenger bag: I think this is true male purse. Over the shoulder, lots of room, but manly instead of girly. You might get lucky and find one at Ross or Marshalls (do you have those in Lex?) or some other outlet/discount type store.

    Camera vest: Similar to a fishing vest, but lighter and classier. I had a professor who wore one all the time--holdover from his time in the military as a photojournalist--and he wore his over shirts and ties almost every day.

    Reusable shopping bag: Some of the styles are pretty cool, even those found at the stores themselves. I have a red Target one with some tree design that I like for stuff that goes back and forth from home to daycare.

    Plastic shopping bag: Same thing as above, but a little less style.

    Hobo bindle: Maybe it's time to resurrect the Depression-era look for the working man.

  2. Two words:

    CARGO PANTS (the kind with a gazillion pockets)

  3. Bumbags (aka "fanny packs" as you yanks call them) have made a hipster resurgence in "urban centres" such as Sydney and Toronto. They are so handy and unburdensome! Lexington might not be ready, however.

  4. I think the line between a messanger bag and a European Carry-All is very blurry. A line that I am not so sure that I want to delineate.

    Also, cargo pants would be great, but unfortunately they wouldn't even be kosher on our "casual" fridays.

    Fanny packs would not fly in Lexington and I believe my wife would veto same.

    I do like the idea of a hobo bindle. Need to think about that one.

  5. I second the messenger bag. That, or a pocket space warp!

  6. I love you Beccy, but no, Lexington is NOT ready for a resurgence of the fanny pack.

    We'll find you something. In the meantime do you want to borrow my Mickey Mouse bag?

  7. Women too, also struggle with this. Now also in my 30s, and mother of two, I struggle with having a bag that is appropriate for my age (not pink and flowery with jewels on it, and not the old lady purse my grandma used to carry), large enough for all my shit, but small enough that it doesn't look like I'm still carrying my kids diaper bag (glad to be out of that stage), and comfortable enough that it doesn't hang off the shoulder the wrong way, or easily fall off when carrying 4 bags of groceries and sprinting after a 5 year old. Backpacks are wonderful... but yes, I feel like I should leave that one to my 4th grader.

    Hmm. I think your only option is the man purse/messeger bag. Maybe if you don't have to carry a laptop for work, you could still carry the laptop bag -- who would know you don't have a computer in there?

    Alas, your last option -- the Hermione/D&D bag seems to fit best. When you get your powers, make sure to let me know.

  8. I've got it!!!!! You could surgically have a marsupial pouch could be a Roy-a-roo!
