I just would like to take this moment to say that NERDS RULE!! The Woz received the lowest judges score for the last six years on Dancing With The Stars, yet after viewer votes are added, he ended up in the top 4.
What else did you expect when you use telecom lines and the internet for your voting? The other contestants are doing battle on our turf.
I've never actually seen the show, but fell in love with Woz on Kathy Griffin's reality show. Love it, love it, love it!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I agree to your Twitter post: sausage gravy IS the best thing in the world. We had it with biscuits for supper. Yuuuuummmm.
That is what we had for supper too. I told Anna that we should have biscuits and gravy for dinner far more often.
ReplyDeleteOhh. I should add that I don't really watch the show. Sometimes it is on while Anna is watching but I have really taken to the VoteWoz crusade. The best part is that I don't actually have to watch the show. I just have to vote for the guy.