Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Let us not forget

As I sit and watch the 2008 DNC convention, it is easy to forget the bigger picture. All of this talk of the Hillary PUMAs is merely a distraction. I want to remind you of where we are and what we are fighting for, but my prose lacks the eloquence. But I know someone that spoke the truth and I want to share it with you today because it is just as valid now as it was then. Just replace "John Kerry" with "Barrack Obama" and it still resonates today.

1 comment:

  1. I've probably seen this speech 3 dozen times. Yet I watched it again tonight, beginning to end, and once again, I found myself crying like a baby. Again, my words lack the eloquence, but damn, I'm excited for November.

    (But you know what hit me hard tonight? When he said 900 service members weren't coming home from the war. Wow. 900. The number is now almost 4200. Just one more reason why this man must be elected in November.)
