Monday, June 30, 2008

The Grey Lady, are you o.k.?

I promise an actual real post is coming but in the mean time take a look at this.

It is an article from the New York Times. Within the article there is a picture and the caption refers to the milk jugs as "the new fangled jugs".

New fangled? Really? In the New York Times?

I thought "new fangled" was one of those strange southern expressions that we use to confuse yankees. Fangled is not in the dictionary. I checked.


  1. No, "fangled" isn't, but "newfangled" is. Common usage among us Northerners.

  2. Fangled is odd as is Jug. Why not pitcher, carafe, or flagon. Things are definitely a might Squirrelly at the NYT

  3. see, i thought newfangled was what you called people who just got dentures!
