Monday, April 7, 2008

Riley & Sophie


  1. Wow, he is an amazing big brother. I so wish we could have seen the "sophie getting a book" part. I feel like we were missing so much.

  2. Big brothers are awesome.
    Lauryn pulled up her lawn chair (in the house) to watch this with me:
    L: "They look fun. Can we go see them?"
    "Yes, someday."
    L: "Do they live far, far, far away?"
    "Yeah, they live a long drive away."
    L: "Oh man!"
    Seriously, I can't wait to meet these kids!

  3. You are welcome anytime. We have plenty of space and plenty of things to do. Riley would love to have fresh souls to force... ahem, I mean, new people to teach, his love affair with "nerd games" like D&D, HeroClix, HeroQuest, etc.

  4. What a sweet video! He is a great big brother!

    #1 STOP feedin that baby those cute pills...she's so cute now that it actually physically HURTS!!!
    (b) don't try to lose riley in a store anywhere or anything, cuz that kid is RM alllllllll over the place! he's like honey i shrunk the roscoe or some such..and finally
    (3) i love that your kids (and this was NO SURPRISE) love books!
    D. is it June yet?

  6. Riley is such a good brother!
    And seriously. . . that apple did not fall far from the tree! His facial expressions are you but Riley-style.
    It is such a joy to my heart to see your family grow together.
