Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My God, It's Full of Stars

The last of the grand masters of SF are now gone. With the passing of Sir Arthur C. Clarke, the trinity of Asimov, Heinlein and Clarke have moved on to another universe.

I am sure there will be more eloquent tributes to the man than here on my lowly blog. In fact back in December, I wrote this post on his 90th birthday but lets not forget his contributions to science by first suggesting the idea of geosynchronous satellites for communications in his paper "Extra-Terrestrial Relays: Can Rocket Stations Give Worldwide Radio Coverage?"

I will leave you with the last video message that Sir. Clarke offered to the world. It shows that even at the age of 90, his boundless optimism is tempered by a rational pragmatism of the future.

1 comment:

  1. 'tis very sad, indeed...on a related note, get mrs. roscoe to bring you home Variable Star from's from an outline and notes etc found in heinlein's stuff after he died, and it was finished by......spider robinson....BEST book i've read in quite a long time, and you know how much i read!! also, if you haven't already, read for us, the living by's his never published first novel from 1939 that recently came will LOVE it, it's very politic-y. it june yet?
