Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Is this healthy?

Is it healthy to be watching election results on television and have 15 tabs open on your browser with exit polls?

This election is giving me heartburn.


  1. No, Roy, it is not healthy! :)

  2. Unhealthy. But totally understandable. I watched the returns all night last night, until it was time to go to work (at midnight) just after they called Texas for Hillary. I spent most of my night searching all the wires for political stories, with the TV on my desk constantly being flipped between CNN and MSNBC (even when they were re-running the coverage from the night before.) I am addicted. And I am pissed. Are nasty, dirty, Karl Rove politics really going to give Hillary this primary? ("its three am...." c'mon!) God Help Us. This general election is MADE for the democrats -- seriously, the country is ready to have one in the White House, I guess we can thank W. for that. But I'm starting to see a real possibility that this sham of a democratic primary is going to led to President John McCain.
