Thursday, January 17, 2008

Holy MegaPixels Batman!!

That camera is not a prop from Carrot Top's comedy act but an actual camera produced by Seitz. For only $43,000.00 you too can own this amazing piece of hardware that will make you the envy of photographers everywhere. The 6 x 17 format camera takes pictures at an amazing resolution of 160 megapixels.

Obviously this camera is marketed towards individuals needing to take incredibly hi-res pictures or anyone trying to take a picture of my entire family. Or maybe a picture of Tammy's butt (That one is for you Fish).

Since Kodak introduced the 1.3 megapixel DSC-100 in 1991 for a mere $13,000.00, I think we can expect to see 160 megapixel cameras in our cellphones in about 2012.


  1. Holy Jeebus that's a big camera! Does it come with it's own suitcase to carry it in??

  2. Don't suppose this post means you have any suggestions for my first digital camera purchase.... I was teetering between point and shoot and DSLR.... but somehow I think this one isn't in my price range.
