Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Humanity!

Last night while innocently reading the Freeman Academy newsletter, I received a shock to the system. The Juniors of Freeman Academy are sponsoring a young girl from Bolivia and a single sentence sent my mind reeling.

"Her birth date is February 7, 1991; the same age as our class."


Juniors in High School were born in 1991? What?!?

I don't know what to say. If this does not shock you, then you fall within three categories. Either you are too young to understand my shock, too old to understand or have internalized the reality of your age FAR better than I have.

I turned 30 at the beginning of the month and was amazed how little it effected me, but this simple fact is almost impossible for my mind to accept.

Now that I think about, it is probably just that the kids in Freeman are all geniuses and have skipped about five or six grade levels.

Yeah thats it.


  1. Haha well man we're 30 over a quarter of a century old. I've known through most the past 20 odd and its been a great ride. Unfortunately for me I've had at least one 16 year old on staff since I was 23 making me feel old even then with questions like, "Who's Pearl Jam?" Only key I figured out to it all is to not act your age and you won't feel it....then people tell me I look 23, 24 and I smile :)

  2. Ok I feel you on this one. I was talking about music to someone younger the other day. I had mentioned the Violent Femmes and they asked "Who is that?" I mean COME ON?! We aren't old guys, the younger generations just aren't as cool as us! :)

  3. I usually go read to my son's class every year (thank you, Susan Moore, for the years of speech and drama that allow me to create all kinds of strange and funny voices for my son's class' amusement!). I can't tell you how *fun* it is to overhear a classmate tell Jamethan "Gee, your mom is really cool to be so old." Think I'd get in trouble if I smacked a kid for a remark like that?

  4. Tom and I were at Goodwill one day, looking at LPs, and this little eight year old asked Tom, "What's that?" Tom says it's an album, and the kid looks at him and says, "Album?" Tom replies, "With music--you listen to it." The kid then said, "nuh-uh, that's too big to fit the CD player."

    Tom thought the kid was messing with him; I told him he probably had never seen a turntable before.

    At least kids born the year you graduated high school haven't entered high school yet. That was the turning point for me this year.
